Regular Sunday Service

1st Sunday of the Month

Holy Communion Service

Join us for a serene and reflective Holy Communion Service at 8:30 AM.

All Age Service of the Word

At 10:00 AM on the First Sunday, we hold another All Age Service of the Word.


2nd Sunday of the Month

Parish Communion

On the second Sunday of each month, we gather at 10:00 AM for our Parish Communion. This service features traditional liturgy, hymns, and the sharing of the Eucharist, providing a meaningful and reverent worship experience.


3rd Sunday of the Month

Parish Communion

On the Third Sunday of each month, we gather at 10:00 AM for our Parish Communion. This service features traditional liturgy, hymns, and the sharing of the Eucharist, providing a meaningful and reverent worship experience.


4th Sunday of the Month

All Age Service of the Word

At 10:00 AM on the fourth Sunday, we hold another All Age Service of the Word. This service is designed to be inclusive and engaging for all members of the congregation, encouraging participation and spiritual growth across all ages.


5th Sunday of the Month

Parish communion Alternating between St John and Christ Church

Our 10:00 AM Parish communion Alternating between St John and Christ Church welcomes everyone. This service features traditional liturgy, hymns, and the sharing of the Eucharist, providing a meaningful and reverent worship experience.